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How to add and format text

Adding a textbox

  • Click and drag the textbox icon (represented by an A in a box) onto your page

  • Move the textbox by clicking on the move icon at the top of the textbox, or by adjusting the X and Y positions in the “Size, Position, Rotation” section on the left

    • Tip: using the “Size, Position, Rotation” section will allow you to have components positioned in line with each other

  • Resize the textbox by clicking and dragging the corner/side points of the textbox, or by adjusting the W and H sizes in the “Size, Position, Rotation" section on the left

    • Tip: using the “Size, Position, Rotation” section will allow you to have components sized the same as each other

Formatting your text

  • When you select a textbox, the toolbar at the top of the screen gives you formatting options

Adding custom variables to your text to automatically pull in orders data

  • All fields on the RFP you submit through the portal are available to dynamically ad in to your proposal - they are called “Variables” within P2P

  • To add in a custom variable, from within a textbox, you can either:

    • Type in “#” and a varibales menu will pop up

    • Click into the “Variables” tab on the lefthand menu

  • Once you have your variables menu open, you can search for and add fields from your order form

    • Note: Proposal Variables are formatted as “Proposal.ProductName.Field”

      • For example: Proposal.NativeVideo.StartDate or Proposal.Display.TotalImpressions

      • There are no spaces in proposal variables

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