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June 2024 Updates

Multiple PDF Uploads

When uploading PDFs to use as sections in your Content Library, you are now able to upload multiple at a time. To do so, while in Content Library - Section, click on “Upload Multiple PDF” and select the files you want to upload (up to 10 at a time):


After you select your files, you will be able to name the section for each file:


You will receive email confirmation once your files have been successfully uploaded.

Social Platforms for Social Mirror displayed on Full Proposal

The social platforms selected for a Social Mirror campaign will now be displayed on the Social Mirror Ads section of your Full Proposal.


This data is pulled from the Social Mirror Platforms Field on the Social Mirror line item of the order.



Social Platforms for Meta and Meta Lead Ads displayed on Full Proposal

The social platforms selected for a Meta or Meta Lead campaign will now be displayed on the Meta or Meta Lead section of your Full Proposal.


This data is pulled from the Social Platforms Field on the Meta or Meta Lead line item of the order.

Website Retargeting shown on Mobile and Mobile Event Strategy Details Pages

If you are selecting Website Retargeting as a strategy for your clients Mobile or Mobile Event campaign, you will now see that strategy shown with its definition on the Strategy Details Page:


Facebook Premium for Meta and Meta Lead Ads displayed on Full Proposal

If you are running Facebook Premium with your Meta or Meta Lead campaign, you will now see that shown on the Meta or Meta Lead section:


This is shown when you select the Premium checkbox on the line item in the portal and will be hidden when not selected:


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