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March 2024 Updates

Combine all product types into one proposal

Previously when submitting for RFPs, impression-based products, spend-based products (PPC and LinkedIn), and SEO all needed to be submitted under separate orders. Now, you are able to add any product type to an order - this allows you to show your client a full total of their costs on one proposal.

Spend specific fields on Budget Breakouts

Previously, if you were running multiple PPC or LinkedIn line items, the metrics shown on the Budget Breakout page didn’t match with the product type. Now, in the pricing field indicates a Mgmt Fee instead of CPM, and the impressions field is blank.

Support for 9+ line items on Digital Media Planners

Previously, our system only allowed for 9 line items to be added at once, which caused an error when generating planners with 10+ line items. Now, you can add as many line items as needed. Note that depending on the number of line items, you might need to resize the grid on the proposal to view all rows.

Interative Digital Media Planner link for all Proposals

For any new Proposals sent through, you will receive an Interactive Digital Media Planner link in your email, even if you are using the Full Proposal template.

Date filters on the Pipeline

You now have the ability to add date filters to your Pipeline view to see your pending/sold proposals based on a specific date range. To use this feature, use the Search By field and dropdown in the top right.


More prominent placement for Visit Tracking

Based on feedback, we have moved the “Includes Visit Tracking” widget to the main product page and make it larger so it is easier to highlight.

Removed CPMs from proposal

We have removed CPMs for all future proposals, since that is not something that was previously highlighted in our pitch decks. Now, you will only see the monthly impressions on the total impressions on the main product page.

Toggle on edits to text fields pulled in from your order

If you want to make an edit to a field on your proposal without editing the order on Reporting Zone, you are now able to do so by toggling on edits to your field. From the edit page of your proposal, click on the field you want to edit. Then, on the right-hand menu, click on “Input / Output” and turn on “Enable editing of this textbox (?)”.


Note: when you enable editing here, edits to this field on the order/line item on Reporting Zone will no longer push to the proposal.

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