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May 2024 Updates

Updated Impression Share Charts

We have made an update to the Impression Share charts to make the charts higher quality, faster to process, and easier to edit.


All new proposals will have this new chart, and if you want to make updates to a proposal generated before 5/3/2024, all you need to do is make an edit to the line item on the portal.

You are also now able to edit the charts from within P2P. When on the edit page for a proposal, click on the chart you want to edit, and adjust the value on the right-hand panel:


Maximum Monthly Spend added to Digital Media Planner

Now within the Forecasts page in your Digital Media Planner link, you will see the maximum monthly spend for the forecasted inventory.


Presentation Mode

Presentation mode has arrived! You are now able to turn on this mode to present a proposal to your client. To do so, click on the expand icon on the left side of the page when in preview.


One in presentation mode, you can switch to the new page by clicking the right arrow key or clicking the arrow on the right side of the screen.

Automatic cancellation of proposals when orders are cancelled

Now, if you cancel an order in RZ, the proposal will automatically be cancelled out in P2P so they will not clog up your active proposals and keep your pending revenue accurate.

Streamlined no-forecast proposals

When you submit for a non-forecast proposal, the proposal is now pushed right away without a manual task completion needed on your end. You can still make any changes you need to the order or line items and they will be pushed through as well.

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