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Pending Bugs & Fixes

Check out the known bugs we are currently fixing. See a bug? Submit your feedback in the upper right corner of this screen and our P2P team will be notified.

**FIXED** Broken reset password emails on certain email platforms

The Fresh Proposals team is currently working on fixing the bug that breaks the formatting of emails sent from their email addresses.

**FIXED** Fees Summary not showing monthly budget

Currently the monthly budget row on the fees summary is showing the monthly budget times the number of months (total budget) instead of just the monthly. This is being updated to only show monthly.

Incorrect user being listed as Proposal lead

Currently there is a bug that is assigning a vici team member as the Proposal Lead for all proposals. This planned fix will make sure the media group/agency lead is listed as the proposal lead. With this fix, we will need to ensure that the email address from TapClicks matches the user who should be listed as the Proposal lead on P2P.

**FIXED** Bugs in the auto text resizing

The Fresh Proposals team is currently working on some bugs with the automatic text resizing tool - we are seeing some bugs where the resizing either isn’t working in some cases, or flips back and forth between the original and resized text upon a refresh of the proposal.

**FIXED** Issues with Inventory Images displaying

We previously used Google Drive links to host the inventory image URLs, but Google started blocking access to hosted links through applications. We have switched our hosting provider so all hosted images will display correctly.

**FIXED** Users forced to re-login after clicking into proposal links

Because of the custom domain each workspace is set up with, when clicking into the proposals from email, there are redirects that are being blocked since the email links are connected to the main domain. This is currently being working on by the Fresh Proposals team.

**FIXED** Created date on the title page of proposals incorrect

We have fixed an error causing the created date on the title page of proposals to show as the due date. The created by date now correctly shows the date when the proposal was generated.

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