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Can I use this tool for non digital pitching?

Yes! Please load in any presentations you need and utilize this tool for nondigital pitches.

What partner gets the auto nonforecasted proposal emails?

Only the user who sends the proposal will get emails for the proposal. With forecasted planners the trainer will CC the normal team. Revised proposals no email is sent.

Can I upload animations to P2P?

At this time animations are not available on the upload- however these will be available on future release when presenting inside of P2P.

Will sending a link to the presentation internally mess up our sales data?

Ideally you should download a PDF of the proposal or share the view link to share the deck internally. When you create a customer facing link click “mark as read” and only send to the end client.

What does it look like when a client clicks a trackable proposal link?

You’ll get an email every time your proposal is clicked and opened. You can edit a proposal once a link is sent but you will be warned you need to unlocked it first. Client will only see your edits (even with previous link sent- no need to send a new link).

Do I need the internet to present in P2P?

To change proposal budgets with a client you’ll need internet access. You can also download the PDF to present, but you won’t be able to change budget fields the data will all be locked.

How long does it take to generate a proposal?

Once we upload forecasting data it takes about 5 minutes to process.

My client doesn't have website but they have a Facebook page. Will they still have website screenshots of their Facebook page included on the proposal?

No, unfortunately due to the 2-factor authentication Facebook has to view a Facebook page, we are not able to take screenshots and include them on your proposals.

How do I download a proposal to a PDF?

Go to your proposals and click “proposal summary”.  Click the “download” icon in the upper right corner. It will save in the “downloads” folder on your local computer.

How do I reset my password?

Only you can reset your password. To do so, go to and click “Forgot Password” in the bottom right corner and enter your email as your username. You’ll receive an email from “” with a link for a reset (if you don’t see it- please check your spam). Once you click the reset link you can fill out your new password and login.

My monthly forecasting isn't loading properly in my presentation, what could be causing that?

To troubleshoot, try looking at this section in another browser- if you can see it okay- you know its a caching issue. Just hit CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE (in most browsers) to open your setting and clear your cache. It will then turn this view:

uncached forecast.png

Into this view:

cached view.png

If I send through a Digital Media planner- but now want a proposal- will editing the main order switch that?

No- once the format is sent you can’t swap back and forth- instead you want both Digital Media Planner and Proposal simply duplicate your entire order and edit that button before sending through RZ.  Please note you’ll now have two orders in your pipeline.

Does Digital Media Planners work with rush RFPs?

Yes! Just complete the task assigned to you when selecting “no forecasting” and it’ll send within 1-2 minutes in either format.

Can I download the Digital Media Planner?

Yes! The interactive link is available for download in excel and the Fresh Proposal e-sign contract is available to download in PDF.

Can I default to only get Proposals- or only to get Digital Media Planners?

No- in order to give the option of both to all partners, you’d have to select what you prefer each time.

If I revised an RFP- regardless if I need something or not- will the task be assigned to the media planner automatically?

Yes! And if you don’t need us- even if we haven’t completed the task- P2P will update in 2 minutes.  If you do need us- it’ll update again once the planner completes their task.

How can I request a proposal for an Insertion Order?

If you need a proposal for an IO, when you submit your order (or through an edit if already submitted), select “Yes” for the field “Do you need a proposal for this IO?”. After this is submitted the request will enter our queue and you will receive the proposal within two business days, or immeidately if you select no forecast.


Can I download my P2P proposal as a PowerPoint?

No, currently Fresh Proposals does not have an export to PowerPoint feature. Currently, you can send it electronically to a client via a Shareable Fresh Proposals link or download as a PDF. However there are many online resources to convert a PDF to PowerPoint.

Here is one we suggest:

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